Vasak 12-Point Mountaineering Crampon Petzl: The Vasak 12-Point Mountaineering Crampon by Petzl is designed to be compatible with any ski, alpine, or hiking boot, making it perfect for couloir booting and glacier travel.
The Leverlock Vasak comes with step-in Fil or strap-on Fil Flex attachments for easy use with ski, telemark, or hiking boots. On the other hand, the Flexlock Vasak is designed to be compatible with any alpine boot that has a heel welt but no toe welt.
Featuring Petzl's Antisnow anti-balling plates and 12 points, including dual horizontal front points for improved grip in compact snow conditions, this crampon combines functionality with performance.
Key features:
Front Points: dual
Number of Points: 12
Anti-balling plates: yes
Antisnow Boot Compatibility: [Flexlock] hybrid, [Leverlock] (Fil) step-in, (Fil Flex) strap-on
Claimed Weight: [Flexlock] 1 lb 12 oz, [Leverlock] (Fil) 1 lb 13 oz, (Fil Flex) 1 lb 14 oz
Recommended Use: mountaineering
Manufacturer Warranty: 3 years