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Why Hobie Kayaks Are The Best Choice For Fishing

Why Hobie Kayaks Are The Best Choice For Fishing

Why Hobie Kayaks Are The Best Choice For Fishing

Updated on 10/20/2024
Reagan FischerBy Reagan Fischer
Reagan Fischer
Learn More about Reagan Fischer

Why hobie kayaks are the best choice for fishing? We are here to explain why Hobie kayaks are an excellent option for hardcore fishermen and ladies. 

As you are about to witness in the following paragraphs, he is a devoted angler and the proud owner of TWO kayaks, specifically the Hobie Outback and the Hobie Pro Angler 14.

How He Likes To Fish In His Hobie Kayak

Hobie kayak

Hobie kayak

My introduction to fishing came when I was only four years old, but I took a significant break from the activity while living in London for ten years. I started fishing seriously again when I moved back to Melbourne, located in the state of Victoria, which is in the continent of Australia. Since then, I've had a renewed obsession with going fishing.

If you have ever gone fishing near a major city or a prominent tourist attraction, you are probably already aware that many fishing areas are overfished and crowded with fishermen. That is a problem in many fishing spots since it makes it more difficult for anglers to catch fish. That is an issue that frequently arises in locations that are frequented by a large number of tourists. That suggests that if the conditions are right, you could spend the entire day fishing without catching a single fish if the conditions are favorable. If a fisherman can pull in at least a couple of fish during a day of fishing, then the day can be said to have been an unqualified and unqualified success.

You may get away from the crowded coasts and venture out into the open water to fish from a kayak, which gives you access to a wider variety of fish to capture than you would have if you felt closer to shore. If you fish from a kayak, you can get away from the crowds on the coasts. You can do some things in a kayak that you cannot do in a boat or on land, and those things are things that are exclusive to kayaking, and you can only accomplish them in a kayak. A school of fish that is approached by a kayak, in contrast to a school of fish that is approached by a boat, is not likely to get anxious about the presence of the kayak. On the other hand, when a ship comes to a school of fish, the action will frequently cease because of the boat's proximity to the school.

When fishing from a kayak with soft plastics, you can cast and retrieve while drifting around looking for the location of a school of fish by observing feeding birds, break ups, or using your fish finder. Casting and retrieving while floating around, looking for the location of a school of fish, is an effective technique. That will enable you to make the most of your time on the water (check out our advice on reading a fish finder). Once you've found them, you'll be able to keep your place by pedaling at the appropriate speed.

Hobie kayak

Hobie kayak

When the wind is predicted to be less than 10 knots, I feel the most at peace fishing. However, there are certain unusual situations where I will go out when the winds are as high as twenty knots, which is uncommon. In the unlikely event that the climate remains unchangingly calm, the wind is blowing from the direction of the shore, and the species I am searching for are within a few hundred meters of the water's edge, then and only then will I consider this as a potential possibility. If the climate remains unchangingly calm, the wind is blowing from the direction of the shore, and the species I am searching for are within a few hundred meters of the water's edge, then I

How He Proved To Himself Hobie Was The Best Choice

In 2014, I made my first purchase of a kayak, and I vividly recall that shopping for a kayak was one of the most challenging endeavors I'd ever attempted to accomplish in my life up until that point in time. Looking for and purchasing a kayak was among the most difficult things I've ever done. When I was shopping for a kayak, I noticed that there was a wide selection of options to choose from. These options included the length and breadth of the kayak, the construction material, the propulsion system, and the manufacturer. I was given the choice of selecting the best-suited kayak to meet my requirements.

When I was in the market for my first kayak, I did a lot of research to figure out which model would be the most suitable for my needs and my preferences as an individual. After completing a great deal of research and reading through many forum entries, you eventually directed me to a discussion in which members were allowed to vote on the rationale for their kayak purchase. I found this thread quite interesting and voted for it. You eventually directed me to a discussion where participants could vote on the motive for their kayak purchase. In that thread, I discovered this particular thread.

Hobie kayak

Hobie kayak

According to the conclusions of this research, 65 percent of respondents owned or intended to own pedal kayaks, 25 percent had paddle kayaks, and 10 percent did not possess a kayak at all. A little less than a third of those who participated in the study had already transitioned from paddling to pedaling or were making the transition when the survey was conducted. I could rule out the prospect of using a pedal kayak as a result of this information and instead concentrate on using a paddle kayak as the only option remaining after doing so.

Today, you can choose from various manufacturers that provide pedal-drive fishing kayaks. A few companies in this category include Perception, Native, Hobie, Old Town, and Wilderness. These are just some examples of organizations that fall into this category. When I made my first kayak purchase in 2014, Hobie was the undisputed market leader in fishing kayaks. I bought a Hobie, and I decided to purchase a Hobie kayak. They made available various models, some of which were as follows: the Revolution 13, the Revolution 16, the Outback, the Pro Angler 12, the Pro Angler 14, the Adventure Island, and a few different kinds of paddles.

Many of the models have similarities, including a pedal drive, a construction made of roto-molded polyethylene, and steering accomplished through a rudder that can be positioned through a hand lever. However, each model has specific advantages and disadvantages that make it unique.

If you want to get somewhere, paddling is a much more efficient mode of transportation than pedaling.

In most cases, the pedal drive user does not require prior training or instruction to become proficient in using the device. On the other hand, if the paddle is appropriately handled, it can apply excessive pressure to the body and, depending on the technique, may not be very effective. In contrast to this, an oar is a tool that, provided it is employed correctly, has the potential to be helpful. Because the largest muscle group in the body, the glutes, are engaged when pedaling, a person of ordinary fitness should be able to operate the vessel for a period that is appropriate for their fitness level. 

Hobie kayak

Hobie kayak

That is because the glutes are the muscle group used most when pedaling. That is because pedaling uses the body's most significant muscle group, which is why it takes so much strength. Pedaling gives you the ability to move around while actively fishing (trolling, throwing lures, etc.), which may be pretty beneficial when actively fishing or when you've hooked into a large fish, and you need to move around to get the fish out of the jams. Pedaling also allows you to move around when you're not actively fishing. You also can move around while you fish if you pedal, which can be incredibly handy when you're actively fishing or when you've hooked a large fish and need to move around to get the fish off the hook. Pedaling also offers you the option to move around while you fish if you pedal.

One of my favorite things, while I'm out on the sea in my Hobie is to pull a squid trawl behind me. That helps me catch more squid. I must travel through the water at about one kilometer per hour to successfully execute this method while dragging two spinning rods behind me. Because the paddle would get caught between the spinning rods, it isn't easy to do this technique while paddling in a kayak. A twofold action that instantly pushes the rods forward, followed by a gentle drop back as I move ahead while maintaining tension on the line. That is done while moving forward. As I proceed, I will carry out this deed once more. Following this, there will be another occurrence of the double action. 

When the rod's tip reaches an angle of 45 degrees concerning the kayak, the double action is used to push the rods forward more rapidly. That is done to catch the fish more quickly. I need help counting the number of times I have used this method to catch a bag of squid, whereas other people using paddle kayaks had difficulty catching even a single squid. I need help counting the number of times I have used this method to grab a bag of squid successfully. I can't estimate how many times I have utilized this approach; I have done it many times! If I could only choose one type of kayak, it would be a pedal-over-paddle craft because I prefer paddling over pedaling. If I could only choose one type of kayak, it would be a pedal-over-paddle craft.

How Pedal Kayaks Have Revolutionised Kayak Fishing

Hobie kayak

Hobie kayak

Since 1996, Hobie has been producing kayaks tailored exclusively for fishing, and since 1997, the company has been selling the Mirage drive, the pedal system that comes standard on its fishing kayaks. Their hulls are produced in the United States, and a significant proportion of the very first models—some of which are now more than ten years old—are still in operation today.

Since it was first introduced in 1997, the Mirage drive, which is found on many Hobie boats and is responsible for the propulsion of such boats, has been subjected to several rounds of refining to meet the needs of Hobie customers better. The drive allows kayakers to navigate shallow waters and pass over submerged obstructions while only drawing a couple of inches while the kayak is idling and a few more inches when the kayak is feathering. Additionally, the drive allows kayakers to navigate shallow waters and pass over submerged obstructions while only drawing a couple of inches. Idling the kayak merely causes it to entice a few extra inches of water compared to when it is feathering.

The most recent iterations of the Pro Angler can move in either the forward or the reverse direction, giving the user more flexibility in their fishing experience. They have also developed a device that, when the hard drive comes into contact with an object, immediately "kicks up" and secures the information stored on it.

Over more than 20 years, the Hobie brand has undergone significant development, resulting in the production of exceptionally stable boats. Because of the kayak's primary and secondary stability, you can be confident that it will not soon capsize. Due to its versatility, you can use the kayak as a platform to fish in certain situations. You can be confident that the kayak will not soon capsize (standing).

How He Approached Choosing His First Hobie Kayak

Hobie kayak

Hobie kayak

After deliberation, I decided that a Hobie Outback would be the most excellent option for my first kayak, and I hope to get one soon. The dimensions of the goods, how much they weighed, and how much they cost were the most significant to me while making my choice. The Outback is a great fishing platform, although it is less expensive and weighs less than the Pro Angler variants, and that is because the Outback has fewer features.

Hobie 2019 Mirage Outback

This all-inclusive fishing rig was designed to accommodate any fishing excursion imaginable, whether scouring the ocean for monstrous gamefish or pursuing bass in your go-to freshwater fishing location. Whether you are fishing for bass in your go-to freshwater fishing location or fishing for gamefish in the ocean, this fishing rig has you covered. This fishing rig will serve you well whether you are targeting bass in your favorite freshwater fishing spot or searching the ocean for gigantic gamefish. It is versatile enough to accommodate any situation, and it doesn't matter. With this fishing rig, you won't have to worry about anything. The invention of Hobie's Kick-Up Fins, designed to automatically retract into their housings when struck automatically, has been credited with helping to contribute to the growth of kayak fishing as a pastime.

  • The Vantage CTW chair, which you may personalize in many ways, is included in this package.
  • In addition to other features, the H-track is equipped with storage compartments, a shield for the Guardian Transducer, and other components.
  • It is installed with a mechanism known as a kickup rudder, which makes maneuvering in water with a short depth significantly easier.
Our Overall Review
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When I was there, the idea that a Hobie Outback that had been upgraded with a rudder would be more elegant than a Pro Angler didn't make any sense to me, but when I think about it now, it's obvious. This information was absolutely foreign to me before now. It wasn't until much later, when I purchased a PA 14, that I understood how excruciatingly slow the giant beast is to spin. The PA 14 brought this realization to light (for more information, check out our review of the Pro Angler 14 here). On average, it takes the PA 14 a couple of seconds to get moving, and for the rudder to work, there needs to be forward momentum. Not only is this helpful when fishing near structures, but it is also of the utmost significance during severe weather. When you find yourself in a situation like this, you need to have the ability to quickly adjust your position to take advantage of any waves that are moving in the direction that you are now facing. The Outback, in my experience, makes it a lot easier to land on beaches than the PA14. That is something that I've noticed over the course of my flying career. That is primarily because of the Outback's more compact dimensions and lighter weight.

Second Kayak – The Pro Angler 14

I've had the Outback for close to five years now, and I've been keeping an eye out for PA 14 to buy it so that I may take my kids fishing or lend it to other individuals we know who also have our mutual connections. A notification of a listing significantly lower than the average price arrived in my inbox one day, and I didn't waste any time getting in touch with the property owner to inquire about the possibility of purchasing it. After a short conversation in which you mentioned that the owner was a professional angler who competed in tournaments, I got into my car, which you loaded with cash, and drove away from the location. It picked it up, transported it to a friend's residence so that he could inspect the hull while he was staying there for the night, and then a few days later, it lowered it back into the sea again.

Hobie kayak

Hobie kayak

When I finally got out on the water, I realized how large the kayak was. Before that, I had no idea. Before then, I had spent a considerable number of years daydreaming about owning a Pro Angler, but only then did I realize how big the kayak was. Before that, I had daydreamed about owning a Pro Angler. Moving from the trailer to the water and back again was a lot more difficult for me to do than it would have been otherwise since I needed to stretch to reach objects that were usually right next to me. Moving from the water to the trailer was also a lot more complicated.

Naturally, the two primary benefits that stand out the most are the increased stability and the additional living space provided by the addition. You can install a second seat behind the immediate seat, and on days when the waves aren't too rough, your younger fisherperson can come along with you and sit on this seat. In addition, getting into a standing position in the Pro Angler 14 is much simpler than it is in the Outback, which requires a little more skill.

Because I own a Hobie PA 14, which has already proven to be of great benefit to me, the options for my friends to join in activities I enjoy have significantly grown. That is because the Hobie PA 14 has already proven to assist me greatly. When compared to the thrill of watching a close friend reel in their first awe-inspiring catch from a kayak, the experience of reeling in your first awe-inspiring catch from a kayak on your own is a drop in the bucket when compared to the thrill of watching someone else reel in their first awe-inspiring catch from a kayak. It is also fantastic to hear remarks from friends who previously owned fishing kayaks purchased from eBay about how much more solid the Pro Angler is compared to the $300 kayaks they do not presently possess. These friends have not owned kayaks in the past, but they have in the past.

Hobie 2020 Mirage Pro Angler 14

The Pro Angler fishing kayak, which is now in its first generation, has a Kickup Turbo Fin system built into the ground-breaking MirageDrive 180 propulsion system. In addition, it features six horizontal rod lockers, enough tackle compartments to empty a store, the Guardian Transducer shield for the finest fishfinder performance, and enough tackle compartments to open a store. Every one of these functions is a part of the package, and the fact that it possesses all of these capabilities makes it a beneficial fishing tool.

  • The Vantage CTW chair, which you may personalize in many ways, is included in this package.
  • In addition to other features, the H-track is equipped with storage compartments, a shield for the Guardian Transducer, and other components.
  • Included is a system for a kickup rudder, making maneuvering the vessel easy and uncomplicated.


The Hobie brand is well-known worldwide, and the firm that produces kayaks and propulsion systems has more than twenty years of experience in the industry.

You should go with an Outback kayak if you have limited standing ability, no desire to bring children with you on the kayak, and if cost is not a consideration in the decision-making process. When fishing from an Outback, you should position everything to be within easy reach of you, including the rod holders, your fish finder, and anything else. If you have a more limited budget, consider purchasing a Hobie Compass or Hoie Passport 12 instead of a more expensive model.

Consider purchasing a Pro Angler 14 if you have the space to park a boat trailer, a sizable waistline, or a sizable budget and if you want to stand without difficulty.

Hobie kayak

Hobie kayak

Rod storage is integrated into the Pro Angler 14, which allows the rods to be laid out horizontally when they are not in use. That could be of great benefit to you if you are fishing in regions that have low bridges, low tree growth, and other aspects that are comparable to these types of characteristics. If you move a kayak, there are better ideas than bringing delicate rods with you because doing so raises the danger that the rods will break if you come across big potholes or bumps on the road. When traveling on a kayak, it is recommended that sensitive rods be left at home rather than brought along.

Additionally, there is sufficient room behind the primary fishing seat of the PA14 for a second, smaller individual, such as a child, to fish alongside the primary angler. That allows the PA14 to accommodate two anglers simultaneously. Because of this, the PA14 can comfortably seat two anglers simultaneously. Before attempting this, you must have plenty of water expertise and use caution. In addition, you need to be aware of the constraints that kayak fishing places on you, such as those imposed by the weather and other aspects of the natural environment.

Using the PA14 kayak in conditions where you may need to drag the boat across sand or other types of soft terrain is not recommended. Launching this particular model from beaches is not suggested because of its size. If you want to stand up in your kayak while sight casting with the help of polarized sunglasses or if you have a lot of storage space, you should consider investing in the PA 14. It is an excellent option that you should consider supporting in. The PA 14 includes both of these options as standard equipment.

You must keep the Outback in mind if you want to launch from beaches or on top of a kayak, as well as if you're going to have tight turning circles.

Why hobie kayaks are the best choice for fishing? You can also take the plunge and purchase both of them at the same time, providing that you have the money to cover the cost of doing so.


Frequently Asked Questions

Which Hobie kayak is the most stable?

Pedal kayaks typically have a higher degree of inherent stability than traditional kayak designs due to their greater size, wider width, and bulkier construction. Pedal kayaks also tend to have a higher center of gravity. The Hobie Mirage Outback, on the other hand, is the model that provides the most degree of predictability among all of them.

How fast can you pedal a Hobie kayak?

When pedaling a kayak, what kinds of speeds are possible to achieve? Pedal kayaks can go faster than paddle kayaks because most people's legs and feet are more potent than their arms. The monitoring carried out by the GPS revealed that the Hobie Mirage pedal kayak kept a speed that ranged from 3.5 to 4.5 miles per hour. On calm water and with a bicycle, a distance of 245 kilometers was the maximum that could be traveled in a single day and set a new record.

Can you stand up in a Hobie kayak?

Stability is one of the most enticing properties of the Hobie Fishing Kayak, and it is also one of the best characteristics of this fishing kayak. You are not phased by fishing in more challenging situations, such as those with choppy waves or heavy gusts. It is possible to make the case that the capacity to stand up and fish while going in a kayak is the single most desirable characteristic of a vessel that satisfies the stability requirements. If this is the case, then the stability requirements have been met.

How heavy is a Hobie kayak?

What is the maximum weight capacity of a Hobie kayak? In most cases, the weight of a Hobie kayak is greater than that of a recreational kayak. That is the industry standard. Each one of them weighs more than sixty pounds on its own, and at their heaviest, when loaded with fishing accessories and equipment, they can weigh as much as two hundred and forty pounds together.

How far can you go in a Hobie kayak?

Paddling 7-8 miles with a Hobie is relatively easy; however, the degree of ease with which you may accomplish this goal is contingent on the model you choose, the conditions of the water, and your overall level of physical fitness. Paddling 7-8 miles with a Hobie is not at all strenuous. The Outback is trustworthy, but traveling there will require you to cover more ground than usual. It would be to your advantage to acquire further knowledge regarding the Revolution.

What is the smallest Hobie pedal kayak?

Although it is the most miniature model in the series of kayaks that Hobie offers, the Hobie MirageDrive Sport is nonetheless outfitted with a hatch, side trays, a side pocket, and a roomy cargo compartment at the rear of the kayak. Despite its size, the Hobie MirageDrive Sport is a very capable kayak. Given that it is just under 9 feet in length and weighs slightly more than 60 pounds, the Sport accurately depicts its name. Simply boarding the vehicle will get you moving in the right direction toward your destination.