Board And Kayak
Updated on 12/17/2024
CorQs Strike Indicators

CorQs Strike Indicators


Introducing the Anglers Accessories CorQs Strike Indicator:

Don't miss a beat when you're out fishing. Keep a close watch on your nymph with our innovative strike indicator, designed to keep it at the perfect height. With the added benefit of easily tracking hits, this tool is a must-have for any angler.

Unlike other strike indicators, our CorQs Strike Indicator is made from natural cork. This not only makes it less intimidating to the fish, but it's also better for the environment. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved, except perhaps for the fish themselves.

Here are some details about the Anglers Accessories CorQs Strike Indicator:

  • Designed for enhanced float and visibility during fishing
  • Made from eco-friendly and stealthy cork material
  • Naturally more buoyant compared to synthetic alternatives


Material: cork

Recommended Use: river fishing, saltwater fishing, stillwater fishing